Fortify for Fall

I am pleased to announce that I will be presenting at the South Bay Yoga Conference on the topic of boosting the immune system in preparation for the coming season.  Please join me on Sunday, August 12th at 2pm at the South Bay Yoga Conference.The event is free and open to the public and will have musical performances, presentations on health, yoga and meditation, and vendors.  There will also be yoga and movement classes offered and available to those with passes.  You may purchase your passes here.

At the presentation, you will be shown simple and powerful resources you can use to fortify your immune system to prepare for the approaching Autumn season.  I will share how acupuncture and Chinese medicine work as powerful adjuncts to your yoga practice to boost wellness and vitality. You will also be shown simple exercises as well as recipes to boost your resistance to disease.  In this 30 minute session I will also share tips on sequencing your home yoga practice to get a quick immunity boost when you are feeling run down.I hope to see you there!Joe Curcio, L. Ac.


Boosting Immunity with Yoga


Prescription for Wellness